Styling Newspaper

We love a solid fashion marketing prop trend. The cross over between fashion, styling and creative photography is fluid. It moves, trends come and go so I’d rather you guys be first at it than the tenth business in two days to post a version of it.

This one is HOT and not overdone yet so if you’re the type to be first, try this. Utilize old or local newspapers. A clever way to deepen your branding with one is to customize it. Order a custom newspaper or get a stack from sites like Print Newspaper . Print your launch graphics or announcements.

The interesting perspective about styling props like newspaper is that you an use them to promote or market anything. Swimwear, Jewelry, Denim, Footwear, etc.

If you’re one to thread your marketing theme within all of your social graphics and website copy, consider newpaper cover graphics like the ones below. Anyway you decide to get the word out about your project, sometimes saying it in a new visual way is all it takes to create momentum.


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